About Us

We represent all Canadians no matter who they are or what their situation is. Today’s political  climate caters towards the vocal minorities and the political elite, the United Party of Canada will change that culture to include all Canadians!

Our Mission

The United Party of Canada exists because we see a need to renew the union that Canada represents, a union that emerged from the founding cultures of the First nations, French, British and others to include all those that came after the Confederation of 1867.

We believe that the evolution of politics in Canada has brought us to the point where a new party, the United Party of Canada, is the only means to offer Canada a new direction for the 21st Century. We believe that this party can attract supporters from all parties and those voters who have not participated in any recent elections.

The current political parties do not represent the Canadian people, but only exist to attain power in order to preserve their own self-interest.

The United Party of Canada has come into existence to bring all the regions and all the people of Canada together to form a union that will bring the interests and opinions of all Canadians to the forefront of Canadian politics.