
    Constitution  - United Party of Canada/Parti Uni du Canada


Adopted November 14th, 2009.


Article 1

The Name

The name of the party is the United Party of Canada, also known as  Parti Uni du Canada, hereafter referred to as the Party.


Article 2

The Basis of Union

2.1 A belief that the role of a political party is to seek national unity;
2.2 A belief in the principles of liberal [representative] democracy;
2.3 A belief that a framework of order is essential to a well functioning state;
2.4 A belief in a strong central government counterbalanced by other centers of influence
including but not limited to provinces, municipalities, trade unions, the media, and
other non-governmental organizations;
2.5 A belief that the role of a democratically elected government is to serve the whole
country and all the people;
2.6 A belief that economic renewal and progress for the 21st century is closely linked to
environmental sustainability and conservation;
2.7 A belief that poverty and extreme inequality leads to social instability;
2.8 A belief that a market based economy, operating within a clear and fair legal
structure, is best suited for achieving individual self-reliance;
2.9 A belief in fostering equality of opportunity and equality under the law.
2.10 A belief in individual freedom, including freedom of speech, assembly, and self-
determination, recognizing that such freedom comes with responsibility.


Article 3

Aims and Objectives

3.1 To build a comprehensive political movement;
3.2 To provide an organizational framework for:
3.2.1 Developing policy
3.2.2 Developing Electoral District Associations
3.2.3 Electing members to the Parliament of Canada.


Article 4

Membership Qualifications

4.1 Any Canadian citizen, who is at least sixteen years of age;
4.2 Accepts the basis for union;
4.3 Believes that it is unethical to hold membership in more than one federal political
party at the same time.
4.4 Pay an annual membership fee.
4.4.1 Membership fees are to be paid directly to the secretary of the party.
4.4.2 E.D.A.s have the right to charge a separate membership fee once they are
4.4.3 Memberships paid after October 1st are applied to the following years
Membership ending December 31st.


Article 5

Governance of the Party

5.1 The governance of the party resides in the membership through Electoral District
5.1.1 Any Electoral District with one or more members can temporarily constitute
an EDA for party purposes for two years until such time it is eligible for
registration with Elections Canada. After one year the executive has the option to extend the
temporary status upon the presentation of a report justifying the
failure to form a registered EDA.
5.1.2 Until the party reaches a minimum of ten registered Electoral District
Associations, or until one year from the date of the founding meeting, which
ever comes first, the governance of the party shall rest with the executive
and board of directors elected at the founding meeting

5.2 Governance

5.2.1 the following elected positions shall form the national executive
the leader;
executive vice-president
5.2.2 the following positions are appointed by the national executive for a period of one (1) year: policy committee chair, fundraising committee chair, technology committee chair, communications director, executive director (non-voting)
5.2.3 the duties of national executive and board of directors
to meet at least once per month to attend to the business of the party
to communicate with the membership of the party via an internet newsletter at least once a month on party issues;
to work to expand the membership and encourage the creation of Electoral District Associations;
to develop systems and structures facilitating member input into governance and policy development;
to assist the E.D.A.’s to expand the membership base;
to create electoral strategies and systems in anticipation of by-elections or a general election
5.2.4 No individual shall hold more than two of the executive positions
5.2.5 A review of the membership of the national executive shall be held at the annual meeting following the founding meeting.
5.2.6 The national executive may by a majority vote, create new national executive positions as the need arises
5.2.7 All positions created by the executive council must be confirmed by the membership either by an on-line or telephone vote within two months or at the annual meeting, whichever comes first.

5.3 Responsibilities of the national executive:

5.3.1 The leader represents the voice of the party
5.3.2 The president calls and chairs the meetings of the Executive; works with the secretary to set the agenda; sits on all committees;
5.3.3 The executive vice-president takes on the responsibilities of the president in the absence of the president; the vice-president acts as the chair of the national campaign committee as long as the president is performing his duties; co-ordinates the constitutional amendment process
5.3.4 The secretary is responsible for the minutes of meetings of the national executive; maintaining a roll of the national membership of the party, 5.3.5 The treasurer prepares the budget, works with the fundraising committee, monitors the financial reports from E.D.A.s and other affiliated groups, is in charge of the expenditures of money, presents a monthly financial report to the national executive and board of directors and a report to the annual meeting.
5.3.6 The policy committee chair receives policy proposals from members, encourages policy discussions, works with the communications and the technology chairs to involve the general membership in the policy process
5.3.7 The fundraising committee chair works to raise funds for the central party, acts as a clearing house on ideas for fundraising in the E.D.A.’s and reports these efforts to the executive and council and to the general membership
5.3.8 The technology committee chair works with the committee to set up conference calls, look after the webpage and social networking on line, and develops methods for online and telephone voting systems
5.3.9 The communications director works with the national executive to communicate both with the general public and with the membership the party positions. The communications committee chair is responsible for the distribution of a monthly e-mail newsletter to the membership.
5.3.9 The executive director looks after the day to day operations of the party ensuring that the national executive and board of directors fulfil their responsibilities. This office also assumes any unassigned duties which might from time to time arise or makes sure that they are assigned.
5.4 The national executive and the board of directors is accountable to the membership through the local E.D.A.s and Elections Canada.
5.5 The national executive shall call an annual meeting to be held one year from the founding meeting, within two months prior to or two months after the first anniversary of the founding meeting.
5.5.1 30-days prior to the annual meeting of the party, the national executive will
provide to all members a report on the progress made towards the party’s aims
and objectives.
5.6 The national executive may suspend any of its members who miss more that three consecutive meetings or have an attendance rate of less than fifty per cent. The national executive may fill, by appointment any vacant position.


Article 6

6.1 The annual meeting of the party may be carried out via a conference call or other technological means or may be a convention of members or a combination of both to be determined by the national executive.
6.1.1 Until the party attains the level of ten registered E.D.A.’s, representing at
least two provinces, all members in good standing shall have the right to
participate in the annual meeting as full voting delegates.
6.1.2 When the party attains the level of ten registered E.D.A.’s annual meetings
shall be delegated, with up to six members, elected by their EDA, eligible to
participate. All registered E.D.A.’s must provide their members with at least two
weeks (14 days) notice of a meeting to elect delegates to a national
annual meeting.


Article 7

Selection of Candidates for Parliament

7.1 Candidates shall be selected by the party Electoral District Associations and recognized by the national executive.
7.2 All Electoral District Associations are responsible for adopting their own constitutions in accordance with the principles of a liberal representative democracy.
7.3 The national executive has the right to remove their recognition of any riding associations for cause and provide all members with a written report of the reasons.


Article 8

The national executive has both the right and the responsibility to create by-laws for the party to deal with issues that are not dealt with through the constitution. These by-laws must be posted on the website within three days of their adoption.


United Party of Canada 2009 Parti Uni du Canada 2009